Monday, August 22, 2011

The Basics of My Ministry

Just so people know what I am about, here is a primer about Perry Hardison Ministries.

What is your ministry?

Perry Hardison Ministries is the name I use for my work in churches and related activities. I am on the full-time faculty of a local community college teaching religious studies and humanities. This provides my main support which enables me to be available for any size church or organization that can use my services.

I am an ordained Southern Baptist with three former pastorates, two church staff positions, and several interim pastors during my career. My vision for my current ministry is to provide support for the teaching and pastoral ministry of churches by being available for special teaching opportunities (seminars, retreats, Bible studies, etc.), revivals, supply preaching, and any other guest speaking events.

The paradigm for what I do was the role of “the teaching elder” in the early church. “Teaching elders” were itinerant teachers who provided instruction in the Bible, theology, and church practice. In a sense, they were “pastors at large” focusing on a teaching ministry.

My qualifications for this calling include a gift and a passion for teaching, extensive study at the seminary and graduate school levels (historical theology, church history, biblical studies, and comparative religion), leadership involvement in the local church and denominationally, and more that 15 years of collegiate teaching experience.

How can I partner with your ministry?

If you are expecting a pitch for money here, you are going to be surprised! Because of my employment at the college, I do not have to solicit donations. I will address finances later on in this note.

If you would like to support my ministry, here is what you can do. First, pray for the ministry and for me. Pray that the Lord will open doors of teaching opportunity for me and that when I do have opportunities, that the Lord will use me to have a positive impact on the people I lead. Most of all, pray that the Lord will be glorified and that His kingdom will grow through those opportunities.

The second thing you can do is help me network. If you are comfortable doing so, recommend me to pastors, other church leaders, churches, organizations, etc. Though I am Southern Baptist and most of my work has been in the Baptist context, I am open to speaking for any church or organization. Should you be asked, I would describe myself as a conservative Evangelical. In terms of size, no church or organization is too small or too big. The engagement can be a one time preaching invitation or a more extended event (of course, scheduling must be done so as to not interfere with my work at the college).

Thirdly, you can recommend this Facebook page to your friends. The more followers I have on this page (or my blog, my Twitter, or my Linkedin pages), the more networking, and opportunities, might arise.

Lastly, if you know of some need or subject that churches would benefit from studies about, let me know your ideas. I will begin putting such studies together and suggest them to churches.

Yeah, but what about the money?

Okay, I know it has to be addressed. I have never liked talking about the money but I understand the question arises. I decided years ago not to set up as a non-profit with the government. It was too much paperwork both to set up and provide the proper monitoring. Plus, to produce enough money to make it work, I would have to put emphasis on fundraising which I am not good to doing and it makes me uncomfortable.

So, my model is to work full time to take care of my financial needs and accept whatever payment a church or organization can provide as basically payment for my work. This approach means I do not have to talk about money, solicit donations, worry about fundraising, etc. This is good since I do not like doing that and many people associate “freelance” preacher like me with the Elmer Gantry’s of the world. I hope my approach alleviates some of those assumptions.

I think it is appropriate for churches to make sure the travel expenses of outside speakers are covered; but beyond that, I come for whatever a church/organization can offer.

Since I am not set up as a non-profit organization, donations would not be tax deductible—therefore, I do not seek them or ask for them. The downside of all of this is that I am responsible for paying my own taxes and social security contributions as self-employed out of whatever fees/honorarium a church or organization might provide.

Thankfully, the Lord has provided me with a job that provides benefits and a solid salary and the vast majority of churches do a great job of providing me what they can. Therefore, money just is not a subject I need to discuss. I do it here only to be above board about what can be the downfall of any ministry.

To summarize

Thank you for your friendship and support. I stand available to do whatever I can to further the cause of Christ and His church. If I can ever help you, your church or your organization, just let me know.

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